Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Literature and Performance

Literature is a piece of work written by a person to be read and invisioned in the mind. Performance is an acting out of literature, so in a way these two are connected but are also different in many ways. Performances normally start out as just literature, words on a page and actions in asterix, what makes a performance more than literature is the fact that a lot of things must come together in order to make it a performance that can be seen by an audience and not just something somebody reads and imagines in their mind what happends. In literature there is no action, there are just words and the readers makes what they want of those words and that is literature, performance in a way is similar btu instead of the audience imagining the way it is peformed, the performers, the director and the ensemble band arrange how the performance is set up and do with the script what they like, such as changing the names and genders of characters and inserting and taking out lines as they please as well as rearranging the set to fit the specific space of the peformance.

In my experience with literature and performance, performance is a lot more intense than literature, even thought that is the expected answer I have reasoning to back it up. In my first performance I had a small role because I am bad with memorization, and althought my part seemed so small, I was able to make it more intense and bring it to life. In literature, if a role is boring or small there really isn't anything you can do to make it more interesting but in performance, the smallest parts or roles can be the most instense, it just depends on what the actor playing the part intends to do with the part. Literature is something where when something is written, it is set in stone, nothing can be changed or moved around, made better or worse, nothing changes but with performance you can change the mood, the setting, the time period and so much that you wouldnt be able too in literature. Creativity is a factor in both literature and performance but have different meanings in both, in litereature, creativity means fancy words and creative structuring, in performance, creativity means acting, music, lighting arrangements, set up, costumes, line structuring and just all around actions. 

In closing, literature and performance both have their different forms of creativity but in the end they lock arms because in a lot of ways, literature makes a performance because the writing of a script is the foundation in which a performance plants its roots, so literature and performance overall go hand in hand with their similiarities and differences.

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